Did you know…
3,000 Home owners Associations in South Africa.
56,000 Sectional Title Schemes in South Africa.
5,000,000 people reside in organised communities.
1,900,000 homes in organised communities.
8.7% of developed land is taken up by Organised communities.
R800 billion assets managed by Community managers.
R11 billion annual levies collected .
27% of total value of residential property in South Africa in from organised communites.
56,000 Sectional Title Schemes in South Africa.
5,000,000 people reside in organised communities.
1,900,000 homes in organised communities.
8.7% of developed land is taken up by Organised communities.
R800 billion assets managed by Community managers.
R11 billion annual levies collected .
27% of total value of residential property in South Africa in from organised communites.